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Earth Moments (for Men)

is an educational, experiential, explorational journey

along the pathways of the forest and meadows 

in search of meaning and harmony.


(Portland, OR-Vancouver, WA, and vicinity)

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Many men experience persistent meaninglessness, depression, challenging relationships, soullessness, and sadness. The complexity, depth, and breadth of our suffering is unique to the men of the 21st century.  


"Ageing brings loneliness of soul, moments of acute psychic pain, and haunting remembrances as memory disintegrates." -James Hillman


Earth Moments functions on the premise that men of this century want to be their own healers. The work is to gather the resources needed for psychological well-being, developing the skill and power to rise to meaningful levels of maturity and fulfillment.  


The Earth Moments journey increases awareness of one’s personal psychology. You will uncover the unconscious stories you live by and rewrite them when necessary. You will learn the language of the dream world (an entry into the vast world of the unconscious) and learn to benefit from its "image-ing".


For Earth Moments your body is the foundation of your well-being. You will learn to attend to your primary and secondary senses to develop awareness of the communication channels between the earth and your body.


The Earth Moments journey asks you to resign yourself, over time and by proximity, to the earth’s influences. Through the lenses of ecology and the depth psychologies you will increase your understanding of and love for the earth.

Earth Moments (for Men)


Earth Moments is a one-on-one, weekly, hourly experience with ecopsychologist Dr Peterson. In the tradition of the peripatetic (wandering) philosophers, it is an educational, experiential, explorational journey while walking on the earth, along the pathways of the forest and meadows. (Hippocrates wrote: “If you are in a bad mood, go for a walk. If you are still in a bad mood, go for another walk.”)


Earth Moments provides a map for personal growth. On the journey you will uncover your deepest thoughts, wishes, fears, and conflicts. You will hold your history and personal identity up to the light, turning them slowly, pondering, and when you’re able, you might release them, making way for a new interior scaffolding, a stronger, better psychological structure. You will become healthier, balanced, and psychologically strong. 


Earth Moments

1  a : A brief experience of intimacy with the earth

    b : Earth’s love buzzes, or nature’s soul stirring events

2  a : A journey through your thoughts and feelings leading toward a cohesive and congruent life.


"I see men assassinated around me every day. I walk through rooms of the dead, streets of the dead, cities of the dead; men without eyes, men without voices; men with manufactured feelings and standard reactions; men with newspaper brains, television souls and high school ideas." ~Charles Bukowski


About Michael

Dr Peterson is well muddied and bloodied by life. Transformed by the remnants of successful and failed aspirations, businesses, and relationships, Dr Peterson is well equipped to accompany men through the many phases of a man's life and believes the possibilities for a meaningful, fulfilling life have never been better.


He has traveled to 20 countries and lived and worked in South Korea, Nepal, Italy, and Sierra Leone for non-government, non-profit, and for-profit organizations, and as a volunteer in the US Peace Corps. He is broadly read in the humanities, literature, psychology, and philosophy, and holds degrees in theology (B.A.), Rhetoric (M.A.), Social Science (M.A.), and Ecopsychology and Environmental Humanities (D.A.).   


For the last ten years he has lived in wild places, observing the seasons and rhythms of the land. In 2022, he completed the Pacific Crest Trail, a hike of 2650 miles. and over a period of 36 months hiked over 6000 miles looking for an answer to this fundamental question, What is possible between the earth and me? 


With a special emphasis on late life, Dr Peterson unravels the complexities of late life love, relationships, aloneness, sickness, death, loss, and other aging issues.

 Feel the Possibilities

  • Understand your own psychology

  • Reintegrate split off portions of your life

  • Become larger than your problems

  • Connect to mythic and mystical aspects of your life

  • Find the path of your heart

  • Live a deep and meaningful life

  • Experience the joy of seeking out altered states of consciousness

  • Learn to tune into, and honor, inexplicable forces, irrational thoughts, moods, and the uncanny

  • Learn how to deal with shame

  • Find a new sense of companionship and community when in relation to the earth

  • Experience harmony, appropriateness, and a sense that the puzzle pieces of your life are coming together

  • Learn the benefits of pondering death and numbering your days

  • Sense a future toward which to build

  • Develop acceptance of internal complexity, the real self, and the complexities and shortcomings of others

  • Learn how your body speaks to you, how it can guide you

  • Learn about the value of your dreams and how to engage with them

  • Learn that everything, and every experience, is a valuable part of your journey

  • Enjoy the experience and empowerment of quiet healing and find peace with that which cannot be changed

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What the Program Looks Like


  • One-on-one

  • One Hour Sessions

  • Flexible Schedule

  • Sessions meet outdoors

  • A blend of self-exploration and education

  • Experiential


  • One-on-one

  • The number and intensity of sessions structured according to need (e.g. a weekend event) 

  • Flexible Schedule

  • Sessions meet outdoors

  • A blend of self-exploration and education

  • Experiential




You may find that choosing someone to journey with you as you sort through life's complexities is a difficult task and the decision shouldn't be made lightly. You will be entering into a multi-faceted relationship with Dr Peterson which will include teacher-student, guide-explorer, friend-friend, and psychologist-analysand dynamics, and more.


Begin by contacting Dr Peterson. If you wish, tell him about your life and what you're hoping to accomplish. He will contact you with follow up questions and details about the program and you'll be able to make an informed decision about whether Earth Moments and Dr Peterson are the right choice for you.

"We are all born knowing how to live, and then we spend our first couple of decades unlearning this knowledge. Michael helped me to remember what I had forgotten: how to care for my own soul, how to value myself as much as I value others, and to stop ignoring and begin harmonizing with the beckoning music that surrounds us in every moment." S.T.

"Dr Michael Peterson speaks the language of the soul. To choose him as a soul companion alongside your journey is to invite poetry, compassion, empathy, and a heart that will witness and guide your soul’s deepest longings." 


                                                                             Dr. J.L. Kautz 


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